Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Ventures in Space-Time

To fill the gap that producing long FA is creating, I think it needs to adapt, so I'm bringing a new range of FA to my Channel VERY SOON!

'Ventures in Space-Time'
No time for Adventures, only Ventures

The basic idea behind this is Mini-sodes with a twist, they will be experimental and are not limited to series formats. One week it could be a comedy sketch, the next it could be mini-horror story....it is limitless! The best thing is that these will be SO much easier to produce and so there will be more FA!

I already have a few other writers on board and would like to open it up to everyone.
So if you want to write an episode for 'Ventures in Space-Time'....here's all you need to know:

  1. The script can be anything up to 5 minutes maximum
  2. Be Experimental, you don't need to stick to rules.....as long as it's physically possible to make
  3. Please use either the Eighth or Eleventh Doctor*
  4. Avoid TARDIS Interior scenes (because I don't have them at Uni)
* - One special occasions I will stretch to certain Doctors but I'd prefer if you chose Eight or Eleven
- as for Companions:
Eighth will be with Ellie Kai, the companion introduced in Series Five
Eleventh can be with Clara or my Series 3 Companion, Jessica Bell.
If you do not wish to use a Companion, that is fine by me

Please send scripts (drafts or final versions) to my email DWTODWFA@hotmail.co.uk
File size - Doc. or PDF or Pasted within the Email.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or tweet me @DWTODWFA 

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