Saturday, 2 January 2016

After Series Five?

Most of you know that Series Five will indeed be the last Series of Figure Adventures from me! But what happens after that?

Well, this is where something I've wanted to do for ages comes into play...
Figure Adventures in Audio form.

You may be thinking "doesn't that defeat the purpose of a Stop-motion Animation Figure Adventure?"

It does yes.

From Mid 2016, I will be producing a range of Audio Adventures set with a particular Doctor from within my Figure Adventure Universe. Not my own Doctor but any Doctor which has appeared in my Figure Adventures over the last 6 years.

For EXAMPLE: I may produce Audio Adventures set with The Eleventh Doctor and Jessica Bell to fit in between episodes of Series Three of my Figure Adventures.

This will allow me to expand my FA Universe without the long stressful production of building sets, filming and editing visuals. In the future I may even turn some of these Audio Adventures into proper Figure Adventures if I ever find the time.

And even better, I will be allowing others to write Audio episodes too! So if you want to write a story to fit into my FA Universe, you can!

More news as it comes!